Departments and Facilities

Himalay Ayurved Chiktsalay and Mahavidhyalay has 4 Floored Building having 60 beds’ capacity in a serene natural environment with Ayurveda as well as modern facilities and infrastructure.

Ayurveda is ancient science of medicine in India since Thousands of Years. Though many advances in sciences have been made, Ayurveda with its unique concepts is not just a Science of Medicine but a blessed Science of life. This Department deals with the study of Philosophical fundamental approach of Ayurveda. The name of the department itself suggests that it elaborates the basic concepts of diagnosis and treatment given as per Siddhanta and in Samhita. Understanding of Siddhanta and Samhita is key to the great success as a Vaidya. Being an ancient science, the initial texts have been written in Sanskrit and hence Sanskrit language is an integral part here. Sanskrit is the basic subject which has been taught to the students through this department. The subject has been included in the curriculum as it is the language of the ancient Ayurvedic texts. It has been looked upon that the student must be well versed with the language so as he would be able to read and absorb the concept explained.

Department Features

  • Qualified teaching staff.
  • Rich departmental library
  • Availability of the Charts
  • Use of modern teaching aids

Siddhanta, Samhita and Sanskrit Department

Rachana Sharira Department

Rachanasharira term in Ayurveda denotes Anatomy in modern medicine. The department is engaged in teaching of the fundamentals of Ayurvedic Anatomy i.e. Sira, Dhamni, Srotas Sharir, MarmaSharir (Vital points), Shavachhedan (cadaveric dissection) etc. It comprises of structural study as well as metaphysical study of human body. Practical and theoretical trainings to be given to students to understand the external and internal structures of human body. To deal with this subject whole body dissection is performed on the cadaver/ dead body. Surface anatomy and internal anatomy of the whole body is to be taught to the BAMS students. Besides normal anatomy, applied aspects are also explained to the students.

Department Features

  • Qualified teaching staff.
  • Rich departmental library
  • Organ specimens
  • Dummy models of human body,
  • Museum,
  • Human Skeleton
“Kriya Sharira term in Ayurveda denotes ‘Human physiology’ or the study of functional aspects of human Kriyasharira is the science of normal function of the body with special knowledge about different functioning systems of the body including the cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, gastrointestinal, reproductive system which are examined using approaches ranging from molecular and cellular to whole organism levels.

Department Features

  • Physiology laboratory with good space, adequate lighting arrangement and necessary equipment as per CCIM norms.
  • Qualified teaching staff.
  • Rich departmental library
  • Use of modern teaching aids

Kriyasharira Department